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Amarantha unbelted!

Amarantha unbelted!

Yes, you finally let her out of the belt!! It is unbelievable in many ways! An interesting social experiment, in which I included non-members on purpose. With members only, Amarantha would have probably been out sooner. But voting as a visitor, in complete anonymity, brought out the evil side in many of you. For a while, I thought Amarantha would be locked for life, but as through some miracle, her quirky video reports got a big anonymous...

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Thursday report

Thursday report

Another report from work! This time, Amarantha is on the toilet, where she takes the opportunity to answer a few of your questions. A popular question is ‘how do you go to the toilet in a chastity belt?’. Amarantha really takes her time to show you all the belt’s details. My-Steel has put a lot of thought into this. Just like Donna, Amarantha is locked into her very own custom made chastity belt. Everything lines up...

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Tuesday report

Tuesday report

Amarantha is working late every day now, since she can not get a lot of sleep and her boss agreed that she will come in later. The advantage is that she can record her report at the office, because everyone already left. She just sent this video to me, and she asked me to publish it immediately! I wonder why ;) Amarantha thinks it is pretty exciting to show you the belt while she is at her place of work! She is wearing a brand new dress,...

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Monday report

Monday report

Here’s Amarantha’s new report for today! Funny, the frequency of reports is increasing now. She must have something urgent to say to you! Amarantha does have a regular job like everyone else, she is a social worker and she has meetings and all the other boring job requirements that working people have. Taking a break, outside on a park bench, Amarantha reports on her status. She now seems really torn between wanting to be...

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In the car

In the car

Yep, Amarantha almost did it! She almost got out after only 6 days in the belt, because she did a semi-fake self pity morning report! Please keep the following things in mind: this is Amarantha’s OWN My-Steel chastity belt, people don’t order a 700 euro belt if they are not into this fetish. Amarantha does have lots of chastity experience, she has been featured on websites like many times (locked in a chastity...

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Good morning Amarantha!

Good morning Amarantha!

This report by Amarantha scared me a little, but I think it is just because she is definitely not a morning person! She still doesn’t sleep very well, and if she does, she falls asleep in the strangest places! In this update, you will hear how much the belt affects her life: Amarantha had an argument with her boyfriend (about making this Deal), she is thinking about calling in sick for work, and she is not really thinking straight...

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Amarantha’s first report

Amarantha’s first report

Yesterday, I received Amarantha’s first self shot video report. She appears to be in a toilet (at work), where she tells you about her first night, toilet visits, skin discomforts, and more! She really wonders what she got herself into, because it’s only the first day and you will certainly not let her out right now… Even so, she pleads to be released soon (using the word ‘please’ about 500 times in this...

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Keyholding for Amarantha LaBlanche!

Keyholding for Amarantha LaBlanche!

One of the most well known chastity babes on the internet is from my country: The Netherlands. You have undoubtedly seen fetish model Amarantha LaBlanche wearing a chastity belt on many other websites. She actually owns a custom made hip-style My-Steel belt, and has always been one of my favorite models. She is so real, and REALLY into the lifestyle! You can imagine my excitement when she wrote me, asking for help. Amarantha told me she had...

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