There was no way back! If Nikki wanted to get out of this belt and bra today, she had to go take a long walk outdoors! It was quite sunny so there would be a lot of people out, but Nikki felt pretty confident!
It was a very windy day, so her choice of a flimsy white dress was not really working out, she had to watch her dress all the time, as it might blow up and reveal her belt! Nikki enjoyed her walk though, she smoked her cigarettes, took in a few rays of sun, climbed on a swing, greeted the neighborhood children, and even went on a wild goose chase (literally).
I have never seen anyone so relaxed in a belt and bra, Nikki seems like a good candidate for a 30-day Chastity Deal! Sure, she tried to tug on the belt and bra a few times, but they all do that on the first day. I did not ask her about plugs, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she had the same relaxed attitude towards being plugged!
All in all, it seems like my assistant had a wonderful day with Nikki (including the showering and preparations part at her house), and they proudly came back to the studio to give me some memory cards full of pictures and video, in exchange for the keys to Nikki’s belt and bra! An exciting day for everyone! And way too short for me. Next time I will make the outdoors Challenge part of a longer Deal!
Goodbye Nikki, hope to see you back soon!

28 comment(s) to “Nikki – outdoors”
Please use this assistant more often, nice job!!!
Thank you for this great update.
I appreciate this website’s brave attempts to take chastity belts out to public. This will surely help our lifestyle to gain general acceptance (as it should be…).
It is ashaming that these days one will be offended when wearing a visible chastity belt on a public beach or in the swimming pool, although belts / cages are perfect underwear and they cover ones private parts completely (of course…). So where do all the prejudices come from? Furthermore, we all know that horror stories about medieval chastity belts were only myths…
However – just to share a beautiful incident in my life: last summer I witnessed a nice episode that at least indicates the existence of open minded people in Europe:
Due to higher comfort, I usually wear nothing than my cage and a t-shirt when cleaning in the household in summer times (pants rubbing on ones cage when bowing down to clean the ground are not a great thing but still avoidable. In case of the door ringing, I just put on my shorts within a few seconds and everything is okay…
However, one day I was so desperately awaiting a parcel (my new WLAN router…) that I immediately ran to the door and opened it after the parcel service rang.
The following event was just hilarious: The delivering lady almost dropped her package, fixed her sight on my “jewelry” and started asking what it was and afterwards she just couldn’t stop making compliments about its beauty!!! Her questions of course also included the obligatory “Who has the key?” :-) After hearing that my GF had them, she got a sunny shining in her face and said that my GF had to be a very wise person to keep her spouse chaste (just note this amount of wisdom, shown by an outsider… ;-)).
Since parcel deliverers are always in hurry and I also had to do some housework, we did not have a longer conversation (but she loved my comment, that surely at least some of her daily parcels might include cages or belts and that thereby she was an “angel of chastity” without even knowing it).
Greetings to all and have a nice Wednesday… ;-)
Einstein’s words are full of wisdom and a great support for people confronted with intolerance towards their “kinky” lifestyle.
And it’s quite amusing to imagine what Einstein would have said about being quoted in a chastity belts newsgroup ;-) :-)
An extended competition would be great (as also suggested before, I just don’t remember the author; sorry…): two girls in two different apartments (not able to contact each other) and the one who breaks first looses the competition, while the winner gets a financial reward…
And (now comes my addition): to turn this play in a social experiment: the amount the winner is ready to share with the loser determines the duration of an obligatory extra period for both (before there will be no payout!). The more she shares the longer the extra period will be (sounds wrong but just continue reading…). To make things worse: the loser is entitled to refuse the winner’s offer in case of feeling treated unjustly. And if she refuses: no one will get the money and the duration of the extra period will just become random calculated. And of course, 50/50 will not be allowed…
I would love to see this experiment… ;-)
That was quiet many roules. Why not only a simple competition where the girl who is belted the longest time gets it all? And how do you make sure they don’t split the money afterwords anyway? Secret copetitors?
The funny thing is: when the winner shares too much, the belting period will become too hard.
In case of sharing too less the loser might feel offended, reject the offer and no one will get anything.
Since the girls don’t know each other and live in different apartments, they won’t be able to split the money afterwards…
But you are right: it’s too circumstantial; your suggestion (“make it, take it”) is better…
But what about this idea:
A chaste male and female in the same apartment, the winner gets all and the players are free to tease each other (with the intent to make chastity become unbearable to the opponent)… (although this website’s topic is female chastity only, that would be a nice experiment; I would agree in taking part without hesitating… ;-))
I like the idea of this experiment. Would be nice if a deal for a longer period is possible and that the bra is included for both. If the male and female like each other very much, things may become interesting…
YES, YES, YES… a 30-days Chastity Deal! :)
I agree! And some part of the challenge she should be plugged! (Both single and doubble pluggs)
I love the spontaneity of the videos on this site.
The geese were funny because I was expecting them, the dog was funny because I was not :)
Your encyclopedic knowledge of this site’s teaser text is impressive Madame Neko. At the risk of sounding cheezy, I’m glad you’re a member : )
outdoors walks in a chastity belt and bra a good idea; useful at various stages for possible future babes on the site
I see a lot of responses about a plugged deal. I was wondering if My-Steel belt would be less painful then Natalia’s 48 hour deal. did you get any feedback from Donna on that?
Don’t worry, Natalia’s deal wasn’t painful, that’s just how she is :) She loves drama ;)
The My-Steel Total Series are very beautiful. IMHO it would be great if they were used in one of the future videos (the red and blue silicons are real eye candy… maybe some locked babes will refuse to get seperated from their belts :-)).
What about using a remote vibrator instead of a plug? For experienced babes a plug will be no real challenge ?!?
Yes Basil, exacly, Donna has been wearing a red My-Steel Total chastity belt for 170 days and you missed it??
She also wore a plug twice (once overnight) and talked a lot during the experiences. You really should watch the overnight one. She moves in her sleep and gets the coolest grin. Then she can’t sleep :)
Dear Webmaster
Not having noticed Donna in her red My-Steel would have been blasphemous… ;-) As a chastity addict I am far away from that (you can be assured)…
Donna is definitely a deserved “queen of chastity” :-)
I just wanted to humbly suggest to continue featuring belts with a second lock for the crotch AND an emphasis on beauty aspects (different colors or maybe in future also artistic gravures?; the “colored” updates with Birdy Dee and Donna were really great…).
The crotch lock system’s featuring of fine adjustment is a great step in the direction of ULTIMATELY SECURE orgasm prevention, the “holy ideal” of chastity belts ;-).
And esthetical aspects will surely help chaste girls to develop a GENUINE LINK AND DEEP SYMPATHY to their belts… (sorry if that may sound arrogant or elitist, but it’s a fact: only serious belt or cage wearers will understand what I mean by that ;-) all others are of course always welcome to enter “our” world…)
There’s something besides getting paid that could explain Natalia happily returning for these difficult challenges.
You know how some people enjoy being scared. Amusement park rides, horror films, base and bungee, people enjoy the rush. Well, not being able to take off a belt when you desperately want to because you won’t get paid is also scary. And like a movie, it’s also eventually over. And you may have got scared and cried and yelled at the screen but you’ll go see another horror film in the future.
If you wear a belt all the time and don’t want to take it off, you wouldn’t get that feeling.
Of course what do I know. It could be just the money : )
Natalia has already asked when she can come back!
There are numerous ways to make funds but there is something special about coming to Chastitybabes for Natalia. I don’t care what it is, I’m just glad that it is :)
Reading the comments I can see that you are a product person whereas I know I am a process person. As a result, while there are a couple of things I’d like to see, I don’t know that you would approve.
A better answer to your question would have been,
You admire the physical pains, while I appreciate the mental shock. Can you think of a challenge that does both?
I wish I was strong enough to consider wearing a belt as “not painful”. I’m not even able to wear a metal cage overnight. Its weighty pulling always prevents me from falling asleep.
Because of my nightly troubles with steel made devices, I have been using a plastic cage since 2013 (well, it’s at least metal colored ;-)). Plastic feels almost free of weight, but unfortunately lively guys like me might experience stability issues (I had to replace my old one during Xmas 2014 after some turbulent cuddling destroyed its locking pins…).
Maybe one day one of our chaste babes will unveil her “secret of endurance”. Then I can stop following this website ;-) (of course, I’m just kidding. This page’s videos surely belong to my weekly highlights…).
I agree with your comments Madame Neko. When wearing a belt for more than just a few hours, the mental aspect is huge.
At the very end of the first update of Donna’s last visit, after she put the MySteel on, she said to herself “Aahh, what have I done” very softly. Are you familiar with the expression, my heart went up in my throat.
Thank god for Chastitybabes!!!
PS: I’m really glad you’re a member because now you can see what I mean.
@ WendyNeko:
Just recognized that I have quoted you wrong (“not very painful” vs. “not painful”). Sorry for that, I’m just too tired for staying concentrated :-)
Getting myself a full (hip or waist based) chastity belt will be the next step (hopefully…). I already fell in love with the My-Steel Total series (the blue one is so beautiful…) ;-) The issue of squeezing rings should hopefully be solved by that.
However there’s one thing that still bothers me: I’m quite a swimming addict and I don’t know how to hide a full belt under male swimwear (???). My cage is even compatible with tight bathing slips (I simply look a bit too “well-built” but no one can guess my secret “jewelry”).
The thing I like best makes you feel bad. That’s unfortunate to hear.
@ SP: Just to prevent misconceptions: You enjoy squeezing testicle rings at night ??? What about difficulties with falling asleep or troubles resulting from waking up at night? May I ask what kind of device you wear? Is it 24/7?
I’ve never worn a belt for more than a few weeks at a time so I have no advice on dealing with permanent chastity other than to wish you well.