Yes, I am probably very lucky. I never would have thought I could make a young girl happy by locking her into a chastity belt. Seeing Donna enjoy life here in Holland makes me very glad I ever started this endeavour!
Maybe the key to success is having the girls come back a second time. The first belting is always hard. Too much discomfort, toilet trouble, no preparation (laser treatment for example), and they always think it is going to be easy money. The second time, girls know what to expect. Girls like Melissa and Jenni C are glad to come over to my place, and even if they know they will be belted, they will stay for up to 5 days at a time. Why? Because they know what to expect with ‘this crazy chastity belt guy’.
Having a custom belt made for Donna was also a good move. Though expensive, the red My-Steel belt was worth the investment. Her previous pink belt was also a custom made belt, but it was a prototype by a new American company. My-Steel has a lot of experience, although there are some minor disadvantages that make me look into Neosteel belts.
Meanwhile, Donna is enjoying her days. Not having to look for a job, not a care in the world, and on top of that: it’s summer in Holland, so the temperatures are closer to what she prefers. She now even calls me when she is going outdoors, asking ‘maybe you want to take some pictures?’. This is great! You have been great supporters too, some members already showed interest in a fan photo shooting or a ‘Donna meeting day’ to support Donna a little, and there may be a fund raising for the missing My-Steel stuff that will match her belt. Life is good!

28 comment(s) to “Summer day”
Nice to see how happy you are and that all is going well. Have a great time*, Donna!
hugs from Daniela in Denmark
*i.e. ‘chaste time’
thank you Wendy when will we see you here :)
That would be a number one, a member from the club being locked up by one of our big stars in the circle!
Wow all available babes should throw you a casting party with you the only one modeling!
i am Daniel from Germany and i like chastity belts, too. I am a young engineering student and i have build some new chastity belt out of medicial plastic. They are very save and they aücan be worn 24/7. i wear on, too. They look like a mysteel belt. If you are interested, I can send you a belt with the size for one of your girls. They are white and look very shy.
Tell me, if you want to get on of theses prototypes.
Greetings from Germany,
Daniel Mommsen
Hi Daniel, that would be great, please contact me at webmaster@chastitybabes.com
Is there an interest in starting a composite thread in the forum “belted girls”? With Pyra Gordon?
Are they all plastic and secure for flying with the normal kind of security-checks?
Yes they are and should also not put any pressure on the spine, chafe her skin, and allow ventilation.
Google ‘Reinholds female chastity’ or look at the old archives.
Wendy, I found an archived page of the old Reinholds website. There are a few pictures of a some Reinholds belts at the link below.
Yes that is the idea. A more venting opening is an improvement.
The hardest part is making it work with movement.
I would love to see these as well. Will you have a website? Do you have prototypes available yet? Do you have a price point that you are looking to be at yet? Please contact me at spedoman_2001@yahoo.com
Thank you
A great update ! Seeing you in your belt would give me a reason (another reason) to want to visit Amsterdam again !
Nice one, Donna!
Really enjoyed seeing your first round with chastitybabes.com. hope to buy subscription to support the site and you in the near future! :D
Hi Donna, I find it very cool, that you are now a long time model for this site. But why don’t you wear your pink Oozoo anymore? It looked very good on you ;)
Yep it’s a club! I’m a male engineering student. There needs to be an official list of design issues. I have also tried polymers with a friend but she would up playing with the USA DD Machinery model.
It worked a little better than expected but we need a comfortable belt : (
Where can we start a serious list of designs without sexual content?
Assuming everyone wants to make the reinholds polymer female ‘protector’ what is up with the shape? How rigid? Originally there was a plate which pressed between the vagina and anus.
I really don’t know what is best?
I’ll avoid showboaty commments and just relay the need for an actual thread about making female belts.
Metal and everyday wear won’t 100% work for the modern woman.
(Ok be Wendy, Daniel or my friend) You’re on your way to work it’s a 15 minute drive and a meeting starts in 10 minutes. You’re hungry and you’re eating a muffin and wash it down with some coffee. Someone pulls in front off you and you need to hit the brakes. You honk and spill a bit of coffee on your blouse. You can clean it up but you don’t want a thick steel outline.
In real life you want underwear that is flexible everywhere except your genitals and doesn’t show. Even the Reinhold needs females helping the development.
Donna, this time you really look proud of yourself, from this on I am forbidden to ever se your movies if I am not also locked up.
Ingemar from Sweden
I cannot wait any longer, I have been between memberships for about 2 months, so I just signed up again for another 3 months, I cannot wait to hear Donna, instead of just reading the short summary
Could I trouble you for a moment of your time Mr. Webmaster? It appears as though Donna has only the one set of footwear with her. I’d hate to see her ruin her boots on a trip to the park for our benefit or wear them out walking around Holland. If Donna is interested, could you let me know the easiest way to send some money to help pay for a pair of sneakers or similar. I posted this in the comments section instead of emailing you directly in the hopes someone else would see this and feel motivated to do the same. However, if this is a solo effort, so be it. I can send some now and a little more in a couple of weeks.
PS if enough people threw in, maybe she’d have enough to pick up some skirts and a new Oozoo that others have mentioned wanting to see.
WendyNeko: Vous etes française ou seulement residente ? J’habite Nantes…ravi de savoir que des française sont presente, je possede plusieurs ceintures pour femme mais personne a mettre dedans.
Quel modele possedez-vous ? j’en ai 4 dont une pourvue de double plug.
Voici mon mail: coco4472@orange.fr
Contactez-moi si vous voulez, je vous ferait parvenir des photos des ceintures que je possede.
Complimenti Donna, sembra decisamente che la tua seconda visita e la tua seconda cintura di castità ti piacciano molto di più della prima. Spero di vedere molte altre tue immagini e saperti felice e soddisfatta e poi chissà, magari trovi anche un lavoro là che ti permetta di continuare a tenere su la cintura di castità e magari qualcosa d’altro.
I has looked on this page several times and must så, that im pleased in the pictures of you, Donna, and all other girls here.
To webmaster.
I can see on the comments on the site, that there ære several girls looking here. Would you like a male in chastity in here???
I just though it could be fun for the girl followers on the site.