Cherry English is a tiny submissive girl from the UK, who came over to Holland to try a chastity belt! Yes, she did :) This girl is really tiny! With her super cute voice, her curiosity, and her fun attitude, she is definitely a good Chastity Babe candidate. I couldn’t wait to get her locked in a tight belt!
Cherry admitted that she actually really needed a chastity belt, because she is very naughty. She can’t stop touching herself, and it sometimes leads to a lot of wasted time when she should have been doing important things! A chastity belt can help her focus, so she wanted to come over and see what it is like to wear one for an afternoon.
I locked her in an SM Factory collar and told her she would have to take off her clothes to get locked in the belt. She revealed a great body with nice boobs, and she wasn’t shy at all! I let her figure out how to open the belt and how to put it on. She managed all of it without any help!
Cherry thought it felt really strange. In her posh British accent, she said ‘oooh I just realized there is a hole in the back!’. She tried to act like she was shocked, but her big smile showed me she was very amused by the whole experience. She would have to spend a few hours in the studio like this. I was in doubt of adding plugs to the belt… maybe she was too cute and innocent to get a plug added? Do you think she should be plugged?

9 comment(s) to “Casting Cherry English”
Very cute
Needs double plugged and a bra !
OUTSTANDING!! VERY CUTE!! WOW!! FINALLY!! Cherry English is amazingly gorgeously cute. I really love her british voice and she is definitely a keeper. I vote for double plugging Cherry English and it is certainly a nice change of pace to have a blonde asian oriental Lady on this site. DEfinitely please bring her back and add in the plugs as well as a chastity bra and do not forget the wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs. Cherry English is fantastically cute and gorgeous. Love Asian Oriental women and this site has definitely had few and far between. Chastity Babes needs to spread the word to the Asian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese, Filipina, and Asian models out there to audition for this site. Thanks!! ~S
Is she married to Johnny English? Will she strike again? Any way, she is cute and deserves a long double plugged deal! Help her to do more important things!
Always at least add a bra to any outfit for good protection.
Cherry English look so good in this chastity belt and I think she will buy her own.
I vote for continued innocence. Plugs installed in chastity belts completely defeat their purpose. In fact, they shouldn’t even be referred to as “chastity belts” if they’re equipped with those. The lovely young lass has expressed a desire to be helped to not masturbate. Don’t let her down. Leave her in a belt that protects her as much as possible from stimulation down there. I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again: The sooner you drop the sexual fetish thing and concentrate entirely on genuine, clinical masturbation deterrence, the better positioned you’ll be for the breathtaking swing that the pendulum of sexual attitudes in Western Society is about to take back towards Traditional, Victorian-era morals.
She is cute.
And a sm-factory collar – isent that new???
Yes, I have one now :D
Also wrist and ankle cuffs??