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Charlotte – flight attendant

Charlotte – flight attendant

Fantasy update – as requested by a member: Charlotte woke up that day in yet another hotel room. Light was already getting in through the blinds. She did not even remember where she was when she woke up. Her job as a flight attendant meant she often slept in different hotels all over the world. A little dazed, she heard the jingle of something metallic when she moved. Ah yes, the collar! The O-ring sure made a lot of noise, but she...

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Tall chastity girl

Tall chastity girl

Sometimes we have tiny chastity girls, like Keira, and sometimes we have very tall chastity girls, like this week’s Casting girl: Charlotte. If Keira would stand next to Charlotte, Keira’s head would not even be at Charlotte’s boob level. Charlotte is exactly 200cm tall in her heels, taller than me! This update is pretty interesting for tall people who want to try out a Chinese adjustable belt, because most people only...

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